Hello Anonymous
ID: 32067 / Score: 119015 / Images: 8187
5.0 after 3 Votes
03.03.2022 08:05
Tags: #sfw


StrangeLove @ 03.03.2022 13:09
The Mercedes-Benz T80 was awesome for its time. Topnotch German craftsmanship anno 1939. So sad that ZOG's decided that Germany and the NSDAP was a threat to The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan/Central Banks and had to be destroyed. I'll never forget what Gen. Patton said after WW2: "We may have been fighting the wrong enemy (Germany) all along. But while we're here (on the Soviet border), we should go after the bastards now, 'cause we're gonna have to fight 'em eventually. the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe. It's a choice between them and the Russians. I prefer the Germans." Anyways, here is a video of the 1939 Land Speed Trial and world record for Mercedes-Benz T80 https://youtu.be/i5Ac5YVHsbk
MrScotch @ 04.03.2022 06:34
It was a hell of a ride. sadly it never had the chance to get on full speed.
And this picture of russia still lives today... I asked my self how the world would react if someone else did this to the ukraine. But don't get me wrong, this war is a big pile of bullshit and putin a dictator how wants the cold war back
StrangeLove @ 04.03.2022 14:00
We can agree to disagree. Although Putin is an oligarch, he's not in the wrong here. The US/NATO/UN has militarybases lined up on all borders towards Russia. If Ukraine joined NATO you can bet that WW3 will be a reality. Remember until 1990 Ukraine was a part of Russia and every Ukrainian person +30 years old are born Russian. You're right that this conflict is BS. But Putin is the last hurdle against the globalists/WEF implementation of "the great reset";
MrScotch @ 07.03.2022 07:12
I understand and it is also right. the nato said in the 90s they will leave a neutral zone between them and and russia. After that poland, the baltics etc. got into nato. Russia dislikes that and i can understand they do so. But also those countrys are afraid of russia cause they had to live under russian preasure and know what could happen.
Also a problem in my opinion is "it was russia before" a lot of people say. For example Königsberg (kaliningrad) was german, but getting it back would be wrong. In this conflict, like in most conflicts, not everything is black and white. I hope they'll find a diplomatic solution soon
StrangeLove @ 07.03.2022 23:03
They will, they will. Sooner or later. Like in the 90's when all the wars was about the oil. The wars here in year 2000's is about lithium. If Ukraine hadn't any Lithium. Russia, UN, EU wouldn't have given a flying fuck about Ukraine. Behind close doors and this BS conflict for "freedom" and "democracy" deals are being made how to rob Ukraine's Lithium mines as cheap and fast as possible. Before China makes an offer to Zelenskyj that he can't refuse.
MrScotch @ 08.03.2022 09:32
Always the natural resources.
StrangeLove @ 08.03.2022 12:20
It is, MrScotch; It is; Ever since the "Quest for fire."